LASDI© (photo by The Hubster, Adrian Garcia)
Thanksgiving has become a sacred holiday for my family. More and more every year, it grows into something that means more and more to us every year.
We are careful not to let it be the focus, though. What I mean is, we don't make it our golden calf. We don't worship the holiday itself. But as we get older and become wiser through life experiences, we definitely don't take lightly a day set aside for family, peace, comfort, love, and giving thanks.
It's been quite a year. It's been filled with losses and heartaches, struggles and valleys with (seemingly) no visible end in sight. So what in the world would we be giving thanks for? Well I know this is going to sound strange, but we will be giving thanks for the losses, the heartaches, the struggles, and the valleys. Because those are the things that make us value what we have right in front of us that we may often take for granted.
Thanksgiving is such a lovely day, filled with family, friends, decorations, lights, incredible smells, and of course, a cornucopia of delicious food. But more than that to us, it means loved ones, community, vivid color, illumination, a delight to the dulled senses, and provision. We are surrounded by reminders of what otherwise might be forgotten: that we have so much to be thankful for.
Some of the more sensible and practical people reading this may be a tad bit cynical, finding it hard to believe that we give thanks for hard times, or dark circumstances. I don't blame you. I question it myself sometimes, as I am only human, after all. I mean, how could a weary soul on it's knees be brought to sturdy feet when there are so many things trying to hold it down? How can a person not just survive, but even thrive through relentless battles? How can a heart that aches from breaking continue to beat so strongly, even though more pieces of it fall away?
With the faith that there is more to this one life we've been given, and the knowledge that the best is yet to come. With the fortitude of growth through each event or occurrence. With the magnitude of knowing there is joy to be found, even in the worst places. I've been proclaiming all year that happiness is fleeting; that it all depends on the circumstances. If then, that is the case, I am NOT a happy camper. But joy comes when you make peace with who you are and why you are; it is an attitude of the heart.
In which case, I AM JOYFUL.
Does it make life harmonious and easy to get through? Absolutely not. It's not realistic to think so. Should it give us great pause, though, to realize that even in the worst things we should give thanks? You'd better believe it. And I have hope you’ll receive it.
This Thanksgiving in particular, I will be taking mental notes of my surroundings. I will hug the people I love a little tighter, and I will breathe them in a little deeper. I will chew a little slower and truly savor every delectable flavor. I will move with intention and show an abundance of love shamelessly. And though I know what a hard year it's been, and that other hard times lie before me, I will seek and find the joy more than ever, and let it resonate with me the other 364 days of the year.
I will do my very best to give thanks in all circumstances. And I will pray for You Lovelies to be able to do the same. No thanks necessary.